Vinnitsa National Medical University | Study MBBS in Ukraine
Vinnitsa National Medical University | Study MBBS in Ukraine
Vinnitsa Medical Institute n.a. N.I. Pirogov and since 1994 the University has been training competent doctors for 90 years. For this period about 44 thousands of specialists have been trained, who work in Ukraine and in many countries of the world. Now training of specialists is carried out at 53 chairs, where the competent scientific-pedagogical staff works. Among them there are an academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, 5 academicians and 5 members-correspondents of Academies of Science, 120 doctors of science, professors, 554 candidates of science, associated professors.
The Medical University has traditions in educational, research activity, organization of the students’ leisure, maintaining of heartly relations with the graduates. Material-technical basis: 3 educational buildings, modern equipment, research centre and centre of new information technologies, more than 780 modern computers, which are connected up to Internet, large library (500 thousand books), own printing house. The Muslim Center and the Mosque function near the University. At the medical university 6250 students are trained, including 1500 foreigners. In total about 44000 doctors, among them 2100 specialists of the highest level, possessing the Candidate’s and Ph.D., M.D. degrees, including more than 7500 foreign citizens from 106 foreign countries ofEurope, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa) have been trained. Annually the University chairs issue 10-12 text-books of methodics and other educational-methodical materials for the foreign students.
The activity of the Medical University on training doctors among the foreign citizens, international collaboration and international relations are coordinated by the Vice-rector for international links.
About University:
VNMU was established when the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, academician D.K. Zabolotny, raised the question to the Government about the necessity of opening a medical educational institution in Vinnitsa to serve the nation’s needs for health care. VNMU began as Vinnitsa Pharmaceutical Institute (1921-1936), and later became Vinnitsa branch of All-Ukrainian Institute of Extra-Mural Medical Education (1930), and reorganized in 1932 as Evening Industrial Medical Institute with two faculties – medical-preventive and pediatric and in 1934 as Vinnitsa Medical Institute (1934).
In 1960 by the Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Body of the U.S.S.R., the Institute was named after N.I. Pirogov. By 1969, 2,235 students were taught at two faculties of the institute (medical and pediatric), and the faculties increased to 26 doctors of science and 106 candidates of science. In 1984 the Institute was awarded the Order ”Badge of Honour” for success in training doctors and assistance to public health services. By 1988, VNMU elected V.M.Moroz as rector. At that time he was an honoured scientist and technologist of Ukraine, a doctor of medical sciences, professor and graduate of Vinnitsa Medical Institute and he has passed all administrative stages at the institute: the secretary of the scientific board, deputy of the dean, dean of the paediatric faculty, pro-rector on teaching - educational work. V.M. Moroz is an organizer, scientist and tutor, and heads VNMU that had now grown to more than seven thousand personnel. He is instrumental to improve the quality of specialists’ preparation, introduces new educational technologies, modernizes the education base, improves tuition conditions for students and increases compensation for teachers. In 2003 V.M.Moroz was awarded the title Hero of Ukraine.
In 1994 the faculty of Dentistry was organized, and Vinnitsa Medical Institute was accredited as a University on Level IV, the highest level of accreditation by Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 408, dated 15.06.94. The Institute was re-named to Vinnitsa State Pirogov Memorial Medical University. By 2000, the faculty of Pharmacy was organized.
By 2002, taking into account nation-wide and international recognition of results of its activity VSMU was awarded National University status by Decree of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma (June 19, 2002, #560/2002), supporting specialities ”General Medicine“, "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy", “Clinical Pharmacy”, “Medical Psychology.”
University’s milestones of development:
1961 - opening of pediatric faculty;
1961 - start of foreign citizens training in university’s faculties;
1963 - beginning of publishing the newspaper "Young doctor";
1979 - preparatory faculty for teaching 230 foreign citizens was opened;
1979 - opening of the Faculty of doctor’s advanced training and creating its branch – based on medical institutions in Khmelnytsky;
1984 - for outstanding achievements and contributions to the development of higher medical education, staff of the Institute was awarded the Order "Badge of Honor";
1990 - scientific research center was organized and equipped with modern computer technology for its interdepartmental use; organization of scientific- educational complexes (morphological, physiological, biochemical), based on scientific research center’s laboratories;
1991 - first among universities in Ukraine Center of new information technologies was founded, it coordinates the development and implementation of new technologies in all spheres of the university’s activity, beginning of vast introduction of computerization in educational process;
1992 - reorganization of medical faculty, training of students for new specialties "Medicine" and "Pediatrics" began;
1993 - signing of the cooperation agreement with the medical faculty of the University of Münster (Germany);
1994 - VSMU was certified and accredited by the IV level of accreditation as a university, which has some autonomy;
1994 - publication license for journals "Journal of morphology" and "Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Medical University", including into the list of publications recommended by the SAC of Ukraine;
1994 - opening of dental faculty;
1994 - organization at the University of International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, together with morphologists from Russia, Belarus and Germany;
1995 - agreement on cooperation with Limoge university (France);
1996 - first visit of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to the university, meeting with staff members and students, familiarization with the organization of training;
1998 - opening of the Faculty of doctor’s advanced training, affiliated to the Faculty of post-graduate training with its branch in Khmelnytsky;
1998 - opening of specialized scientific council D 05.600.01 with the right of presenting theses for Candidate’s and Doctor’s degree in specialties: 14.01.01 - Obstetrics and Gynecology; 14.01.03 - Surgery; 01.14.09 - Pediatric Surgery;
2000 - signing of the cooperation agreement with Vanderbildt and Birmingham University (USA);
2000 - opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy;
2001 - reorganization of the medical faculty, medical faculties # 1 and # 2 were founded; creation of a new course "Clinical Pharmacy";
2002 - second visit of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma to the University, meeting with the university staff and signing decree on granting the highest mark of distinction - status of National University and changing its name to National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,Vinnytsya;
2002 - opening of specialized scientific council D 05.600.02 with the right of presenting theses for Candidate’s and Doctor’s degree in specialties: 14.03.01 - Human Anatomy; 14.03.03 - Human Physiology;
2003 - opening of new specialties - "Clinical Pharmacy" and "Medical Psychology";
2003 - significant reconstruction of students dormitories on creation in them hotel like rooms;
2003 - award with a special Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
2004 - completion of a new academic building construction, organization of work of departments, research center in it;
2004 - publication license for journal "Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology», including into the list of publications recommended by the SAC of Ukraine;
2005 - completion of 7 scientific laboratories certification, further widespread adoption of marketing and management requirements in ensuring the effective operation of all units of the university;
2006 – foundation of medico - psychological clinics;
2006-2007 years - significant widening of integration and international relations in the sphere of scientific cooperation, effective measures for recruiting foreign citizens from the Middle East countries (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia);
2007 - accreditation of specialty "clinical pharmacy";
2008 – joining of "Institute of Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons" as the university’s teaching and scientific-medical complex;
2009 - accreditation of M.Sc. course training in the specialty "dentistry";
2009 - licensing and increase of intake for postgraduate education;
2010 – dedicated to 200th birth anniversary of M.Pirogov held V International Congress "Pirogov’s readings" in the framework of which also was conducted the XXII Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine, within 5 days 2173 delegates from 28 countries took part in the congress.
During this time, new educational buildings were constructed, the university was expanded with 10 new departments in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and postgraduate training, and Centers of New Information Technologies and Scientific Research were opened.
Since 2002, VNMU continued to build new facilities, expand its faculties and modernize its education program. These efforts were recognized by the Supreme Council of Ukraine, the Minister of Education and Science, Public Health, the President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
VNMU is known nationally and internationally for its high quality of specialist training, and was rated by the International Personnel Academy ranking of schools of higher education as one of the best institutions in Ukraine in 1995, 1997, and 2000. For 1997 and 2000, VNMU was determined to be among the best educational medical establishments and was awarded with a special Diploma. The goal for VNMU has been to improve its material base, create favorable learning conditions for students, student tutoring, for scientific-pedagogical personnel and to improve methodical-educational and research activity.
Faculties & Departments
- Faculty Of Medicine #1 (Speciality – “General Medicine”);
- Faculty Of Medicine #2 (Specialities – “Paediatrics”, “Medical Psychology”);
- Faculty Of Dentistry (Speciality – “Dentistry”);
- Faculty Of Pharmacy (Specialities – “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Pharmacy”);
- The Largest Preparatory Faculty For Foreign Citizens In Ukraine (Licensed Intake – 500 Persons);
Faculty Of Postgraduate Training With The Branch In Khmelnytskyy City
- Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Physical Training and Therapeutic Exercises Department
- Department of Biological Physics, Medical Equipment and Informatics
- Department of Biological and General Chemistry
- Department of Medical Biology
- Department of Human Physiology
- Department of Human Anatomy
- Department of Histology
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Pathophysiology
- Department of Pathoanatomy and Forensic Medicine
- Department of Pharmacology
- Department of Hygiene and Ecology
- Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Services
- Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
- Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics
- Department of Internal Medicine № 1
- Department of Internal Medicine № 2
- Department of Internal Medicine № 3
- Department of Internal Medicine for Medical Faculty № 2
- Department of Internal and Family Medicine
- Department of Infectious Diseases with Epidemiology Course
- Department of Phthisiology and Immunology
- Department of Endocrinology with Postgraduate Training Course
- Department of General Surgery
- Department of Surgery № 1
- Department of Surgery № 2
- Department of Surgery for Medical Faculty № 2
- Department of Pediatric Surgery
- Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics with Live Safety Course
- Department of Radiology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 1
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology № 2
- Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases
- Department of ENT diseases
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Nervous Diseases
- Department of Psychiatry with Narcology Course
- Department of Medical Psychology, Psychiatry with Postgraduate Education Course
- Department of Propedeutics of Pediatric Diseases and Care for Sick Children
- Department of Pediatrics № 1
- Department of Pediatrics № 2
- Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
- Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
- Department of Surgical Dentistry
- Department of Pediatric Dentistry
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology
- Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Department of Pharmacy
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology under Postgraduate Training Faculty
- Department of Surgery with Dentistry Course under Postgraduate Training Faculty
- Department of Therapy with General practice and Family medicine Course under Postgraduate Training Faculty
- Department of Pediatrics under Postgraduate Training Facutly
Departments of Theoretical Profile
- Department of Human anatomy
- Department of Biochemistry and General chemistry
- Department of Histology
- Department of Hygiene and Ecology
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Emergency and Military Medicine
- Department of Medical Biology
- Department of Biophysics, Information and medical equipment
- Department of Human Physiology
- Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic anatomy
- Department of Pathological Physiology
- Department of Natural Science
- Department of Social Medicine and Organization of public health services
- Department Ukrainian language and culture
- Department of Physical training
- Department of Philosofy and Social Sciences
- Department of Farmacology
- Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Department of Pharmacy
Departments of Clinical Profile
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2
- Department of Internal medicine of medical faculty №2
- Department of Internal medicine №1
- Department of Internal medicine №2
- Department of Internal medicine №3
- Department of Internal and family medicine
- Department of Pediatric infection Diseases
- Department of Pediatric Surgery
- Department of Endocrinology
- Department of General Surgery
- Department of Infection Diseases
- Department of Pathological Anatomy, Forensic Medicine and Law
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Farmacology
- Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry
- Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Medical Social Expertise
- Department of Neurology with Neurosurgery
- Department of Oncology, X-ray diagnostics and Therapy
- Course of radiology
- Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Department of Prosthetic Stomatology
- Department of Otorhinolaringology
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Pediatric №1
- Department of Pediatric №2
- Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine
- Department of Propedeutics of Pediatric Diseases with Patient Care
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Pediatric Stomatology
- Department of Therapeutical Stomatology
- Department of Phthisiatry
- Department of Surgery of Medicine faculty №2
- Department of Surgery №1
- Course of Urology
- Course of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
- Course of Endoscopy
- Department of Surgery №2
- Course of Basic Stomatology
- Department of Surgical Stomatology
- Department of Skin and Veneral Diseases
University Hostels
Vinnitsa National Medical University has a very good hostel system with fully furnished rooms, quite study environment and surrounded with recreation center. The Vinnitsa National Medical University 7 hostels with the total area of 44512 sq.m for accommodation of 3344 students.
Vinnitsa National Medical University provides a guarantee of accommodation placement services to all international students who receive an academic offer. There are several accommodation options for international students and it is important to consider whether you prefer an independent lifestyle or enjoy living in a community.
Combine the convenience of living on or near campus, access to programs and services to help you excel academically, the opportunity to build lasting friendships, and comfortable, affordable living and you have the life of a University. The territory of the University and the main students' routes from the hostels to the educational buildings are protected and patrolled by officers of guard service.
Rooms on campus are available to students. All hostel rooms are furnished and vary in size and number of conveniences. Dormitory rooms at Vinnitsa National Medical University hostel can accommodate 2 or 3 students to a room.
Combine the convenience of living on or near campus, access to programs and services to help you excel academically, the opportunity to build lasting friendships, and comfortable, affordable living and you have the life of a University. The territory of the University and the main students' routes from the hostels to the educational buildings are protected and patrolled by officers of guard service.
Rooms on campus are available to students. All hostel rooms are furnished and vary in size and number of conveniences. Dormitory rooms at Vinnitsa National Medical University hostel can accommodate 2 or 3 students to a room.
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with the University regulations and financial matters.
Tuition Fees
Duration: 6 years
Tuition fee for English medium: 4600 US$ (every year)
Tuition fee for Russian medium: 3000 US$ (every year)
Students who are going to join Medicine Faculty in English medium will pay the following charges except tuition fee:
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 7500 US$
Second year and Onwards: 5300 US$ every year
Duration: 5 years
Tuition fee for English medium: 4900 US$ (every year)
Tuition fee for Russian medium: 3200 US$ (every year)
Students who are going to join Dentistry Faculty in English medium will pay the following charges except tuition fee:
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 7800 US$
Second year and Onward: 5600 US$ every year
Duration: 6 years
Tuition fee for English medium: 4400 US$ (every year)
Tuition fee for Russian medium: 3000 US$ (every year)
Students who are going to join Medicine Faculty in English medium will pay the following charges except tuition fee:
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 7300 US$
Second year and Onwards: 5300 US$ every year
Duration: 5 years
Tuition fee for English medium: 4100 US$ (every year)
Tuition fee for Russian medium: 3000 US$ (every year)
Students who are going to join Medicine Faculty in English medium will pay the following charges except tuition fee:
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 5900 US$
Second year and Onwards: 4500 US$ every year
Duration: 1 year
Tuition fee: 2300 US$
Students who are going to join Preparatory / Premedical Faculty in English medium will pay the following charges except tuition fee:
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges, etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 5200 US$
Duration: 2-3 years
Tuition fee for English medium or Russian medium: 4800 US$/per year
Expenses for certification and Equalization of all documents: 1000 US$ (only first time for PG or Ph.D students)
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 8700 US$
Second year and Onward: 5000 US$ every year
Duration: 3 years
Tuition fee for English medium or Russian medium: 4500 US$/per year
Expenses for certification and Equalization of all documents: 1000 US$ (only first time for PG or Ph.D students)
Accommodation: 1000 US$ every year (twin sharing newly renovated hostel with new furniture and utensils)
500 US$ (ordinary twin-three sharing old hostels)
Medical Insurance: 250 US$ (one time insurance for 6 years)
Medical Checkup: 50 US$ (one time charges)
Issuance of Temporary Residence Permit: 100 US$ (one time upon arrival)
Other Expenses (Administrative Fee, Admission Fee, Registration Fee, Airport Reception Charges, Immigration Clearance Charges, Intermediary Company Charges,etc..): 1500 US$ ONLY FOR FIRST YEAR
First year total charges: 8400 US$
Second year and Onward: 5000 US$ every year
Invitation Charges
To issue an invitation letter we require the following documents and payments of 580 US $ (which includes invitation charges 480 US$ and 100 US$ courier charges).
- Copy of international passport
- Copy of School certificate
- Copy of MBBS/BDS/B.Pharma degree (only if student is for postgraduate studies.
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